Wednesday 27 August 2014

First Dudley Shot

Ok, so i've been busy animating a few shots. Thought i'd post a still from the first shot where we see Dudley walking into a small town. Not sure whether i'm shading each frame or not, it looks better but adds more work to each shot. Anyway, let me know what you think, i shall post as I get things done :]

Friday 8 August 2014

The inevitable Reboot!

Been away for a loooooong time, just you know, finding myself and looking for inner tranquility. But now i'm back, i'll try and post regularly. I've started work on my next film. It's a series about a guy called Dudley who is one of the last living humans on earth after giant mutated insects took over and wiped out all but a few. Along with his Robots, he must find a way to stop the bugs and rebuild the planet as it once was.

Oscar worthy i know :]

Anywho, here are a few backgrounds as proof, they may get tweaked a bit down the line, I'm having to stick to using only flash for the time being as I'm fairly certain I have a faulty copy of photoshop. Lemme know what you think, it's good to be back!